We Can All Do Better
Army leaders reinforce the organization’s commitment to human dignity and to bringing a message of unity, love and healing during these tumultuous times.
Hope. Service. Dignity. Stewardship. These core values of The Salvation Army serves as a guide now more than ever. The country has been rocked by the tragic loss of a life that became a flashpoint for protest against discrimination and prejudice. Army leaders reinforce the organization’s commitment to human dignity and to bringing a message of unity, love and healing during these tumultuous times.
The Salvation Army joins in the sorrow, anger and confusionfelt by Americans all across the country following the death of George Floyd. The nature of his death is shocking to all of us who believe in a just, lawful and equal society.
The Army believes that God’s love is all-encompassing and it urges us to reject racism and discrimination. The Bible commands us to “be like-minded, be sympathetic, love one another, be compassionate and humble.” We are committed to fighting racism wherever it exists and will speak up wherever we encounter it. As we pray for God’s will to be done on Earth as in Heaven, The Salvation Army will work toward a world where all people are loved.
We do not claim to be perfect as an organization or as individuals; we can all be better and we can all do more. We encourage people of good will to look closely at their own attitudes to determine how they can contribute peacefully to solving this problem. We will do the same to make sure that George Floyd’s life serves as a reminder of the goal we all strive to achieve.
The Army supports the peaceful protests and dialogue that have come from this tragedy. Our clients, staff and leaders are encouraged to compassionately and passionately display love for all. For our communities affected by the violence, we are here for you.
Never has our mission been more imperative: to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in His name without discrimination. We call on all individuals to work together toward a common cause in the spirit of love, tolerance and forgiveness.
—Commissioner David Hudson, (then) National Commander

Standing for an Inclusive Gospel
We believe that everyone is created in the image of God.The inhumane treatment of Mr. Floyd is completely counter to what we at the Army hold as our core values and mission.
As followers of Jesus Christ, we are called to challenge the structures of society that allow for and perpetuate the devaluation of others. Micah 6:8 implores us to seek justice, stand up for those who are mistreated and act creatively to bring hope, transformation and wholeness. Christ calls us to join Him in that comprehensive restoration process today by standing up and respectfully speaking out in representation of our black and brown brothers and sisters who continue to suffer the injustices of racism, segregation and prejudice; the kind of prejudice that stagnates the soul, jeopardizes life and absolutely misrepresents an inclusive Gospel.
Our prayers are for peace amidst the protest and for community collaboration to bring about constructive dialogue and solutions to the larger issues that foster these types of actions.
—Lt. Colonels Lonneal and Patty Richardson, (then) Divisional Commanders, The Salvation Army Northern Division

The Army abhors discrimination. We believe that God loves us all equally,regardless of the color of our skin, country of origin, our native language or our creed. We strive to treat everyone with respect and see them through the eyes of Jesus.
Sadly, we sometimes fail. We must face our own disgraceful legacy of racism and prejudice. There is a need for repentance. We can do better. We must do better, by God’s grace.
Since its inception, the Army has been called to stand alongside and uplift our brothers and sisters who are oppressed. To engage in dialogue, to listen, to forge a path together to healing, hope and transformation. As Christ-followers, we must also stand against systemic forces that subjugate, dehumanize and degrade others. These are deep-rooted problems that require sustained effort and a collective response.
Let us be peacemakers. Let us reach out to each other with compassion. Let us put our trust in a God who created and loves us. May the ultimate legacy of George Floyd be one of positive change and the eradication of racism and hate.
—Commissioner Floyd J. Tidd, Territorial Commander, Canada and Bermuda
The Army operates seven Worship and Service Centers in the Twin Cities of Minneapolis-St. Paul. These centers provide food, youth programs, family mentoring and other critical services for people with socio-economic challenges. Salvationists have stepped up in Minneapolis and other communities around the country to serve in the aftermath of Mr. Floyd’s tragic death. Find representative accounts and resources for further study and assistance here.
The Salvation Army’s International Positional Statement on racism says that racism is “fundamentally incompatible with the Christian conviction that all people are made in the image of God and are equal in value. The Salvation Army believes that the world is enriched by a diversity of cultures and ethnicities.” Find the official positional statement at here.
Visit salvationarmyusa.org to find ways to support our work at over 7,600 locations across the country. Monetary donations are sent to the community of the funding source. Donors also have the option to designate a location for the funds.
Top Photo: Members of the community join more than 100 Salvation Army officers and staff members at the South Minneapolis Salvation Army for a food distribution and prayer meeting, followed by a march to the site of George Floyd’s tragic death.